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Bump strawberry-graphql[fastapi] from 0.220.0 to 0.222.0

Bumps strawberry-graphql[fastapi] from 0.220.0 to 0.222.0.

Release notes

Sourced from strawberry-graphql[fastapi]'s releases.

🍓 0.222.0

This release adds support for Apollo Federation v2.7 which includes the @authenticated, @requiresScopes, @policy directives, as well as the label argument for @override. As usual, we have first class support for them in the strawberry.federation namespace, here's an example:

from strawberry.federation.schema_directives import Override
policy=[["client", "poweruser"], ["admin"]],
requires_scopes=[["client", "poweruser"], ["admin"]],
class Product:
upc: str = strawberry.federation.field(
override=Override(override_from="mySubGraph", label="percent(1)")

Releases contributed by @​TygerTaco via #3420

🍓 0.221.1

This release properly allows passing one argument to the Info class.

This is now fully supported:

import strawberry
from typing import TypedDict
class Context(TypedDict):
user_id: str
class Query:
def info(self, info: strawberry.Info[Context]) -> str:
return info.context["user_id"]

Releases contributed by @​patrick91 via #3419

🍓 0.221.0

This release improves the Info type, by adding support for default TypeVars and by exporting it from the main module. This makes it easier to use Info in your own code, without having to import it from

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Sourced from strawberry-graphql[fastapi]'s changelog.

0.222.0 - 2024-03-27

This release adds support for Apollo Federation v2.7 which includes the @authenticated, @requiresScopes, @policy directives, as well as the label argument for @override. As usual, we have first class support for them in the strawberry.federation namespace, here's an example:

from strawberry.federation.schema_directives import Override
policy=[["client", "poweruser"], ["admin"]],
requires_scopes=[["client", "poweruser"], ["admin"]],
class Product:
upc: str = strawberry.federation.field(
override=Override(override_from="mySubGraph", label="percent(1)")

Contributed by Tyger Taco via [PR #3420](strawberry-graphql/strawberry#3420)

0.221.1 - 2024-03-21

This release properly allows passing one argument to the Info class.

This is now fully supported:

import strawberry
from typing import TypedDict
class Context(TypedDict):
user_id: str
class Query:
def info(self, info: strawberry.Info[Context]) -> str:
return info.context["user_id"]

Contributed by Patrick Arminio via [PR #3419](strawberry-graphql/strawberry#3419)

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